Thursday, March 29, 2012

Weston's Happy Day-Kindergarten Preview

Weston has been looking forward to this day for weeks,months,beginning of last school year??
To say he was excited would have been a gross understatement.
He walked right in to the classroom,picked out his name tag & started making new friends.
picking out the shapes the teacher called for...he looks so little in this photo
 they were asked to draw features of a persons face inside an oval then cut it out to see if they could identify all of their facial features & practice their fine motor skills...the moms had to leave the classroom for about a half hr. to see how the kids would do without a parent there,during that time they had paperwork for us to fill out also.
When we stayed to have lunch with the 2 older children Weston said"this is the best day ever!"he was totally in his element.
the sun was so bright:) poor little guy could hardly see through his squinted little eyes.
the kiddos all got goody bags to take home filled with playdough,wooden alphabet magnets,beans for counting,dices,fun packs,2books,sidewalk chalk & shaving cream:)...shaving cream,you ask?...they actually use it in the classrooms as a sensory project.they spray it on their desks & practice writing the alphabet & sight words in the shaving cream,great fun for all!
twice in the very short 2mile drive home Weston says"this day makes me so happy":)
love how enthusiastic my little guy is to go to school,hoping his enthusiasm never wears off!
He did so good today & I'm so proud of him!

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