Wednesday, March 28, 2012


As I sat down to write this post i was planning to go a whole other direction with it.(my day in pictures)
but as I started to upload photos i realized how very blessed I am on this day.
You see,Andy left for Indiana shortly after noon today,to be with deaf friends of his that lost their son to a horrible farming accident. Their son was 10yrs. old,the oldest of their children.
Dawson,our oldest just turned 8yrs. old,so this struck home pretty hard for us. It just reminded me again how precious each day we have together really is,& that each breath we take is a gift that is given to us,not to be taken for granted.
these two little guys share such a special bond,River will be completely lost without his big brother this fall. Weston will be starting kindergarten in the Fall.
finding his belly button:)
so instead of my day in are my blessings...
my heart breaks into thousands of tiny pieces when I imagine what my life would be like without one of these precious little ones.
the little bouquet Dawson so proudly brought in from the field for me last night
 Thank you Jesus for every single day that I get to spend with our children,they may not all be happy-go-lucky days,some days feel like a constant struggle.But help me never to take for granted each day that I have with the ones I love.

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