Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The rantings of an old fashioned Mama

It's probably a good idea that I counted to a bazillion, & took a few very deep breaths before I started this post.
About an hour ago, I received the 2nd phone call this year, from the school superintendent saying, there has been another threat made towards the school where my babies attend.

I was immediately livid. Less than a month ago, it happened as well. Everything was kept hush-hush. No one found out who did it, or even if the child had any real consequences for having done it.
Fast forward 2-3 weeks & it's happening again, cause these kids aren't seeing that their peers have been given any consequences.


1ST...Kids nowadays are filled with junk food, preservatives, easy-fast food. They're bodies can't process all that crap, therefore it messes with their physical & brain health.

2ND...There is a severe lack of parenting in our society today. Parents are working their tails off to give their kids everything they didn't have themselves as kids, when in fact, THAT IS ALL THAT THEY NEED.

They need a parent to be there when they wake in the morning. They need a healthy breakfast before being sent off to school. They need a parent to greet them at the door when they get home, to sit around the table with them as they do their homework, & talk about the happenings of their day. Families need to be sitting around the dinner table, enjoying at least 1 meal a day together, discussing the happenings of the NEXT day & preparing the child to be successful, whatever that day may hold.
They need to be tucked into bed each night(my 14 year old still asks to be tucked in). The last thing they need to hear as they drift off to sleep, is that they are precious. They matter. They are important to you, & that you love them.

3RD...You aren't doing them any favors by not punishing them when they do wrong. Children need to know that you love them enough to discipline when necessary. They need rules, guidelines & structure. It helps them to feel safe, loved & cared for.

They need to believe in something. 

We believe that Jesus loves us enough that He died for our sins, He rose again & is interceding for us today, in Heaven. We read our Bibles & pray together with our children every night that we can before bed. Sometimes it gets loud & crazy, & everyone is talking at once., & we wonder how much they are actually retaining... but they are.

You might say that you don't believe in Christianity...I pray that you will, one day.
But even if you don't, you're children need to believe in YOU. They need to believe in LOVE.