Sunday, October 30, 2011


It seems like just yesterday we were on our way home from the hospitol feeling excited & scared all at the same time....

one of my favorite hospitol photos,sweet little toes...

our 4th little miracle=LOVE,so soft & so new,my heart is full...

all bundled up,ready to go home...

i know it's a cliche' but time really does fly! River will be 10months in 3days,hes no longer that itty bitty,6lb. baby boy we brought home...he is now chubby rolls of soft skin & bright blue eyes that charm our socks off.

i  love soft little baby bellies,with perfect little belly buttons sticking out from under little yellow shirts:)
(probly over-used little,just a little bit,hmm?)

hamming it up with big sis,Aalyvia

he always sleeps like this,with his bottom straight in the air:)

not even 10months & hes pulling himself up,jabbering words only mamma understands...uh-oh,all done,puppy,mommy,daddy(his favorite),buck(of course),daddy taught him that one...

although it seems like time is slipping away too quickly,he is also approaching my favorite baby stages,i can tell he understands when i say somthing to him & hes really starting to interact with his siblings & it's so adorable to watch...
...enough reflecting,i hear my little guy crying in his crib(when he should be sleeping for the night).

good-bye for now,

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