Friday, October 14, 2011


   I can imagine what your thinking,another Fall post? Didn't she already do a Fall post? I sure did,but I can't get enough of Fall...The colors,dark rust to bright oranges & rich golden yellows,the crisp air,you can smell the dried leaves,(I even enjoy the smell of neighbors burning their leaves)...i know,that may be alittle weird:)...the evenings are cool enough that it makes me want to sit,snuggled up by the fire w/ my family with a mug of hot chocolate,not the stuff out of a packet either,the good homemade stuff made on the stove top,made w/ melted chocolate & rich whole milk,Mmmm!
   This week the babysitter & I loaded the kids into the van & went shopping for mums & pumkins @ our local produce stand to decorate the front porch.I love the ornamental pumpkins that come in all shapes,sizes & colors...
these mums will get planted shortly so they can develop a root system before it gets too cold.I'm slowly filling up the bare spots in my flower gardens w/ hardy mums so I have bright spots of color in my gardens even after the summer flowers are done blooming ...

here are some mums that I planted last Fall,these mums were all one bush & i divided it  into four different sections along the walkway to the front porch...

orange is probly one of my favorite colors:),i bought 2 of these this Fall...

The sky was absolutely BEAUTIFUL today! A perfect Fall day!
It's days like today that make me wonder how anyone can say there is no God.
As the wind was blowing the clouds today,the sun peeking in & out of the clouds as they moved,I felt like God was painting an ever-changing masterpiece just for me:)

good-bye  for now

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